How to perform Bhastrika Pranayama
Pranayama starts with sukhasana or padmasana posture, so one should sit in sukhasana posture with back straight and eye closed like meditaion, hand should be straight placed over the respective knees. Now there should be maximum exhalation and then inhalation through nostrils with full force and this should be done till one feel tired. Pattern should be rhythmic that is time for inhalation and exhalation should be more or less equal. During inhalation the lung should expand and and go back to original position during exhalation. Abdominal expansion should be minimum.
The whole process should be done 30-40 times, it should start with 10-15 times and gradually be increased.
Benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama
This yoga is very much useful in Muscular Dystrophy and Oxygen deficiency disorders. It balances wind, bile and phlegm as mentioned above.It supplies pure air thus helps in purification of blood. This yoga is helpful in countering obesity, asthama and lowers blood pressure. It also counters anxiety and depression.
This yoga should be avoided in pregnancy and should be performed slowly by those who are suffering from high blood pressure and migraine. They should not give full effort. At initial stage or beginners should start slowly and increase the force gradually.
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